The way Jamie mingled clear bright nature and its coming and going with the ongoing of the pandemic was so measured, calm, specific and unsentimental, and so powerful for that. The ‘shy white bells...’ / ‘...get the jab’ - the layering of one world with another, the truth of the natural world commingled with this other lived reality, the dual vision of it, really wonderful. ’Seeking/ Calamity continues to be rewarded with desecrations/ Of the human heart, but sweet box blossoms.’ Yes, oh yes it does. The quiet and dignified cadence, lovely, I’m a terrible critic I either love poetry and it sings to me or it doesn’t, and Jamie's does, I loved the voice coming up out of the words, I wanted it all to go on and on.
—George Snyder, author of 'Falling Out of Time'
Corona Connemara & Half a Crown
Munster Literature Centre
UK Poetry Society
Local Wonders is a major event in the Irish poetry calendar, an anthology of new poems from all over the island of Ireland, and beyond, recording and celebrating a rediscovery of precious places, precious things, and a renewed focus on what we love in these uncertain and challenging times.
Local Wonders: Poems of Our Immediate Surrounds
Dedalus Press
What happens when one hundred poets from across the country all follow the same “recipe” for creating a poem? If you think the result is one hundred identical poems, then you haven’t seen Mischief, Caprice, and Other Poetic Strategies, a new anthology edited by Terry Wolverton from Red Hen Press.
Mischief, Caprice, & Other Poetic Strategies
Red Hen Press
Blue Arc West: An Anthology of California Poets features work from Rich Yurman, Kim Young, Neil Aitken, Linda Brown, Sherman Pearl, Jamie O'Halloran, Bruce Lader, Nita Donovan, ellen, Keven Bellows, Sarah Maclay, Dixie Salazar, C.J. Sager, Ron Koertge and others.
Blue Arc West: An Anthology of California Poets
Small Press Distribution
If you would like one of the chapbooks or broadsides below, I would be delighted to send them to you in exchange for your donation to a charity that provides aid to Ukraine or Ukrainian refugees.
Send an image of your donation receipt to and I’ll post your choice to you. If you live outside of the Republic of Ireland, a more generous donation will cover international shipping costs.
Woodlands and Waterways
Poems from a reading by Carol Kent Ireland, Uncle Don Fanning & Jamie O'Halloran with paintings by Ali Farkas.
Sweet to the Grit
Poems by Jamie O'Halloran, The Inevitable Press 1998
The Lotus of Li Shi-Ta
Limited edition letter press broadside printed at Lettre Sauvage letterpress studio
Katrina Song
Limited edition broadsheet created by Rick Lupert for his Cobalt Poets reading series.